Serie UCP

Serie UCP

Serie UCP

  • Serie UCP
seleccionarConsultaTipoDimensiones (mm) Dimensiones de los pernosTipo de rodamientoTipo de casaCon escudoCon escudo t ZsWcZcPeso (con casa)Weight(With Shield)
UCP319 95 125 470 360 120 36 50 45 250 125 103 41 M30 UC319 P319 - C(CM)—UCP319 5 258 180 29 38 -
UCP320 100 140 490 380 120 36 50 50 275 130 108 42 M30 UC320 P320 - C(CM)—UCP320 5 283 190 35 46 -

Pillow block housings are used to give support when a shaft is turning. With a pillow block, the shaft is parallel to the mounting surface and lies in a perpendicular direction along the centre line of the holes which contain the bolts. This arrangement is different from the one that applies with flange units and flanged blocks.

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